On Authority

The foundation that lies beneath everything in TRM© is one of power exchange.

Are you standing in your power?

Have you given your power away? If so, do you know how to take it back?

Authority is something you naturally have over your life. You are built for self-governance, although the world will go to great lengths to convince you otherwise. You’re made of love and it runs on fear. Learn to fear less and love more and you step into your own sovereignty.

To clarify, I don’t mean run amok and wreak havoc on society. Instead, build yourself in such a way that you know your values and stand by them, rule your life in accordance with your moral beliefs, and powerfully create the experience you want for the highest good of all those around you.

This is how we lift the world.

This is a level of self awareness that results from taking extreme ownership over the enterprise that is YOU. Giving your power away to ideas that are meant to protect you is tempting. Blaming others for your pain or current circumstances is easier than doing the deep work it takes to rise to a place of empowerment. Believing yourself to be stuck under a glass ceiling relieves you of the responsibility of trying and the discomfort of potentially failing. However, that way of living doesn’t serve you or the world.

You are meant to step into your power.

Take extreme ownership. Own your past and all the messy lessons it was meant to teach you. Learn. Change. Become. Own your present and every decision it took to create this moment in your life without blaming others for how things could have gone. Own your entire life with a healthy dose of self compassion and love. Without those two ingredients, this becomes a recipe for self condemnation instead. Remember, you are meant to lift yourself up and rise through the hard times and the good.

It’s one of the hardest shifts to make, but I promise you that it’s the most life changing.

The world has becoming an ever increasingly fast-paced and information saturated place. Practice using discretion in all things. Just because someone tells you it’s true, doesn’t mean it is. If you blindly believe without questioning, you are giving some of your power, your authority over your life, away to that person, information or belief. They don’t need to have authority over you.

If a piece of information is handed to you from a credible source, as you move forward through learning, use this rule:

Take the information as true, but question it until you understand why it’s true.

This is discernment. This is how you make sense of a confusing and contradictory world. Keep things simple, for everything has a simple foundation if you dig deep enough.

Run yourself like a business. Manage yourself how you would manage people. One of my favourite sayings is “you can’t push a string”. It’s one thing to lead others by example, but many of us like to turn around and try to push ourselves into change. This doesn’t work. Lead yourself like you lead others. Be accountable to yourself. No one is ever going to see how you govern your life behind closed doors, but you know how you act when no one is looking. Avoid turning a blind eye, even if it’s hard to look at. Be honest with yourself. It’s the one true way to know where you can improve.

Filter out the opinions of others, understanding that the world is far less black and white, far more grey. Much of what we think is fact is, in fact, other people’s opinion. All of us want to be right. Differences in opinion are fine. It’s an exhausting fight to get everyone to believe in one thing. Focus on controlling what you can and releasing what you can’t.

The power you were born with is yours to keep, and it’s no more and no less than any other human on this planet. If you’ve left your power behind you somewhere, it’s never gone forever. You can always get it back with one shift of your thinking.

You’ll know when you feel whole again. This process, by the way; of learning to heal and grow through a multitude of unique experiences…

I daresay it doesn’t detract from life.

No, it’s the whole point of our visit here.

If you’re interested in going deeper on how to take your power back to live an empowered life, check out the TRM© program. Thrive in adversity and master the art of being human.


Embracing Yourself


Memento Mori