Embracing Yourself

Inner dialogue can be a monstrous adversary.

Why are they so much better than me?

I suck…

I’m never going to be as good as them…

I’m such an idiot…

Of course I fucked it all up…

I hate who I am…

If you hear any of these running through your mind each day, you’re not alone in falling victim to a script you were never taught to rewrite.

Extending compassion to others while putting yourself last might come just as naturally to you as telling yourself you aren’t good enough or worth the love. If you’re among the givers of this world, you’re awesome and we need you. But we also need you to realize how powerful and worthy you are.

Stuck in a box of repeatedly letting others off the hook and leaving no energy for yourself doesn’t have to be one you reside in forever. In all likelihood, nobody has ever told you these patterns are changeable. If you’re feeling lost, depleted, unappreciated and unworthy, this is your opportunity to cast some of your own light, turn your back on the habits that caused those feelings and walk away.

Self compassion is a topic I will never stop speaking on. It’s a resource that’s far too rare and a tool far too powerful to ignore. Let’s build it back up.

The world around you will never be as invested in your journey as you are, nor will it have the level of awareness of your experience as you do. It’s a harsh place that will consistently challenge your emotional strength, values and purpose. It only makes sense that, on this ever unfolding road here, you are the one who has your own back.

Trust. Compassion. Sovereignty.

These are the values you should build within yourself. If you don’t have these right now, it only means you have left some of your power with situations or people other than yourself. We can change that.

Mindset isn’t unchangeable, nor is it set in stone. It may feel gridlocked, and the unweaving process near impossible, but the reward of reclaiming your power through changing your inner environment will be equally as rewarding.

Start right now by extending yourself some forgiveness. Up until today, you’ve done the best you could. It may have been messy, you may have fallen short of your expectations or let some people down. You may have given up on yourself more than a few times.

This was all part of your journey of becoming who you are today.

You’re an incredible human who is more than capable of taking control and directing their future.

If that dialogue tries to tell you otherwise, counter it.

If your circumstances try to dictate your worth, rise above them.

If you, even for a second, try to walk away from yourself, turn inward and heal the part of you that feels broken.

All of this can change.

With enough self-directed compassion and love, you can reclaim and step into your full power.

The first step is realizing it’s possible and admitting to yourself that you are worth no less than the most powerful person on this earth. We’re all cut from the same cloth. Open your heart to your own brilliance.

Own it.

Feel free to share this message with anyone who needs to hear it.

If you’re interested in going deeper on how to take your power back and live an empowered life, check out the TRM© program. Thrive in adversity and master the art of being human.


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