Memento Mori

Remember that you have to die, so live a beautiful life.

I learned and integrated a great deal of stoic philosophy before I knew that it was stoicism I was so in love with.

As a child, I was enthralled with “show no emotion” characters like Tommy Lee Jones and Harrison Ford.

As a teenager in the military, I learned to “tape an aspirin to it” and carry on. To push myself as hard as I thought I could, then past that.

In my twenties, life broke me. Suddenly, I had to face a torrent of emotions I hadn’t allowed myself to feel, and a wall of beliefs I had about myself that I never wanted to admit to.

It was through that process that I learned your true power doesn’t lie in how much you can hold inside, but in how much you can feel when the path gets toughest.

I had mentors early in my life who taught me what I needed to know to make it through that dark time in my life. I’m deeply, deeply for all I had learned before that challenge hit.

Learn before you need it. Practice before you need to be ready. Do the hard things before life forces you to react to something that brings you to your knees.

Through life’s challenges, we integrate. When we integrate, we become. Such is the beauty of building who we will be in the future. Better, stronger, more resilient. Challenges build a more confident you when you learn how to embrace them.

It took me years of studying and learning to compile what I bring to you in TRM today. It’s… everything.

Through it all, I learned the value of one thing: Presence.

Memento Mori. Remember that you must die.

Every breath you breathe means you’re still here, and if you’re still here, you can still win. True presence, with a breath in and a breath out, in the heat of battle or the depths of despair… that is sometimes the only win you can celebrate.

That is enough.

I want this post to be a reminder for you to live intensely in the present moment, regardless of whether it brings you unbearable pain, the ecstasy of love, or anything in between. Arm yourself with strength and resilience before you need to draw on those.

Celebrate the fact that you are vibrantly alive. Right now.

Life hurts. The Resilience Method wouldn’t exist if that wasn’t true. But it’s also a celebration of the human spirit and what we, individually and collectively, can endure and grow through.

We are built to weather the storm.

Create a beautiful life, in both the easiest moments and the hardest. Be here, with all of it, mentally and emotionally. Beauty lies in between the moments you think you can’t endure and the facts you believe you can’t accept.

That presence, that beauty, is your core. Your awareness, your heart center. It’s where your soul lives.

You are built to fight and overcome, but also tenderly take life in your hands and say “I create my experience but I have faith in my path”. This power, your power, is enormous. It’s unstoppable. If you can accept that, there is nothing that can overcome you.

If you aren’t afraid to be unimaginably hurt, there’s nothing that can destroy you. If you’re not afraid of dying, only life awaits.

You are free.

It all begins with realizing that you are, inevitably, going to die. You won’t know when. Every single moment here is precious in its own unique way, may that be harrowing, beautiful or triumphant. It’s still your experience.

That, my friend, is what you came here for. To be a part of something that would challenge you to you core and show you that you truly can overcome anything.

If you’re interested in going deeper on how to take your power back and live an empowered life, check out the TRM© program. Thrive in adversity and master the art of being human.


On Authority


[ Coming Soon ]