Handling Disappointment

Life can knock the best laid plan off its track.

If we always received what we expected, it would defeat the purpose of being human. We are designed to ride the waves of success and defeat with equal grace. To desire something and reach for it is to fully express ourselves, regardless of the outcome. This is the proverbial journey.

Given that there is not a single person who reaches every destination they set out for, so to speak, or wins every time, it’s in our best interest to arm ourselves emotionally to handle disappointment when it comes around.

How do we make it easier to feel something we would rather avoid?

It’s simple in concept but not easy in execution.

With practice, however, riding these waves with the right thoughts at the right time becomes easier. As it does, you become more powerful.

It truly all does come down to the mind’s setpoint: the habitual thoughts you consistently think. Is your setpoint serving you?

It’s great to know, in detail, what you want out of life.

Sometimes, however, it’s best to let the details go. Life always has a plan and unfolds how it wants and how you need it to. Release your mental hold on how things should look and when they should unfold. Do the delicate dance of laser focus and gentle release. Be tenacious and determined but allow the energy of what you’re creating to meet you halfway.

Often, what’s best for us looks different than we realize.

As you release, have faith in the big plan.

Understand that as you move forward towards your goals, life is responding in kind to bring you circumstances to meet these desires. If something gets taken from you along the way, it means something far greater is coming as long as your energy is right. In other words, use your mind to focus on faith over failure.

Make whatever disappointed you, or what didn’t go as planned, benefit you. This is a superpower.

Get knocked down, experience what that feels like, and dust yourself off as you keep moving. This is your decision and it can be made in every single situation. You can give in to how impossible something seems or how much it hurts, or use it all to your advantage to build yourself into a stronger, more knowledgable version of yourself.

Use your emotional intensity to drive you toward your target.

This force can be used to create either good or bad, but you’re always creating something with it. Remember that. Make sure you’re using this tremendous flow of energy to move yourself in a productive direction. As long as you’re processing how you’re feeling along the way, it will be the dragon you ride into the sunset.

One thing is certain in this experience: Life will always knock you sideways.

Best to be prepared for it. Be armed and ready to use these surprises to build you instead of tear you down.

Practice this, and you will always come out on top.

If you’re interested in going deeper on how to take your power back and live an empowered life, check out the TRM© program. Thrive in adversity and master the art of being human.


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Embracing Yourself