One Habit for A Wildly Fulfilling Life

We are built as creative beings.

It’s in our blood and our purpose.

Creative power is great in the name of progress; without this drive and process we wouldn’t have the world we live in. Look at what humanity has built. We have progressed in giant leaps from where we were a few hundred years ago.

As vital as this process is to the world, it’s also healing to us as individuals. Stepping into and expressing our full creative force helps propel us each towards a powerfully fulfilling life. We need to experience expansion through this creative process to heal ourselves and grow through struggle. This is why we constantly seek forward movement. We crave fulfilment on a deep, primordial level.

Take a moment to reflect. Do you remember what it was like to be boundless as a child? Completely free with your imagination? Young humans are wildly creative and curious. They understand the nature of the energy that drives the world forward.

We were meant to stay that wild but, for the most part, adulthood had other plans. Responsibilities crept in and rules began to dictate what we could, should and would do.

Many visions of a better future fall to the myth that it’s selfish to dream.

What happens when we stop dreaming and striving for those visions is that we stop moving. Stagnation is a kind of death. Energy likes to move forward and when you stop that flow, you feel off. Unmotivated. Heavy. Unhealthy. If you’re not living, you’re dying.

Dreaming creates movement.

Since healing happens through the healthy processing of the emotional experience, forward motion is critical to creating the experiences you need to invoke these emotions.

In essence, action IS creation and healing happens when you are present with the experience.

Living takes a willingness to befriend fear. Creativity does too. Actively creating the life you want means inevitably facing the edges of your comfort zone. Pushing past that is intoxicating. Being powerfully present with the emotional experience while you do so is where healing happens.

I encourage you to reignite your passion for something. Build on it. Create opportunity. Express yourself through it. Push past impossible, it’s only someone’s opinion anyway.

If you have trouble connecting with your imagination and jump starting those creative feelings, audit how you spend your time. If you spend a bulk of your day in front of a screen, consider the following:

A screen will give you all the information you need, while a book will leave your mind with images to create itself.

When you read a novel, how do you know what the characters look like? Where the story is unfolding? How the protagonist feels when he meets his Goliath?

Your mind creates these images for you. It doesn’t like unknowns and will go to great lengths to fill them. Books give you a very healthy dose of mental exercise, while movies do not. Watching a story unfold on TV gives you the entire image, allowing you to turn your mind off completely and simply absorb information.

There’s a reason they say “Leaders are always readers”.

If you have disconnected from your power of vision, read more books.

It might be difficult to get your brain to sit still long enough. Patience is something that the immediate gratification of the online world is rapidly stealing from us. If reading feels uncomfortable, push through that discomfort and be patient with yourself. It’s a habit to be built. It will get easier.

If you want fulfillment in life, practice building. Create something big or small, it doesn’t matter which. Just start building.

Creativity creates solutions, and the world hates a person who can think for themselves and knows their own power.

If you’re interested in going deeper on how to take your power back and live an empowered life, check out the TRM© program. Thrive in adversity and master the art of being human.


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