3 Life-Altering Mindset Shifts

There are three habits you can use to take your power back as you navigate this hectic world.

These mindset shifts take courage, honesty, and raw, open examination of how you live your life. But if you keep them in your practice, they will change everything for you. Implement one of these, and your perspective will shift drastically. Implement all of them and you will grow to become an entirely new person.

As they say, practice makes perfect. The process is messy. Learning these is simple, but you will never master them. The moment you think you have is the moment you stop learning about yourself. The moment you stop growing.

Let your actions today echo through your years to come.


From today forward, you are a victim of your circumstances no longer.

Manage your life like a leader. Take full ownership of every aspect of your experience; own the ugly shit, the success and everything in between. Celebrate it and use it to build you into a better, stronger, wiser person.

If this makes you uncomfortable, lean into the emotions it brings up. You don’t have to own somebody else’s part in your experience, but own your half of the exchange. Own your timing. Own your decisions. Take a leader’s role in accepting all that lead you to this very moment.

If you’re proud of who you are right now, celebrate that. If you aren’t, if this exercise scares you, forgive yourself. You’re human. You’ve only done the best you could up until this point, and that was good enough. You have everything you need to garner the growth from your situation and use it to power your future.


Forgiveness starts with you forgiving yourself. It’s true that we can be our own worst critic, which can be constructive or massively destructive. You can’t deeply forgive others until you have reached that level of forgiveness with yourself.

There are no perfect people on this planet, as much as it may appear so sometimes. We are all doing the best that we can. I’m willing to guess your journey has looked imperfect up to now. You’ve probably missed a few targets, lost a few opportunities and lashed out when you shouldn’t have. It’s all part of being human.

Forgive yourself for anything you carry with you. Put down that baggage. It’s heavy and no longer serves you.

Thank yourself for the learning opportunities you’ve had along the way. Through owning them, you give yourself a chance to grow because of them.

This is expansion.


Anyone’s self discovery journey is privy to the detrimental opinion of others. Nobody has to understand the path you’re on, it won’t even be visible to most people. They simply won’t understand the decisions you’re making.

Learn to trust yourself enough to filter out information that doesn’t serve you and your mission. Build yourself a roadmap that travels from point A to B, and don’t let yourself get distracted by C. That’s not where you’re going.

There are a thousand things that will try to bump you off course. Stay true to who you are, know who you are enough to say that something isn’t for you or true for you. It’s okay to stand in your own power and say no.

Curate information in your life wisely. It will either help or hinder you. Learn how to tell the difference.

Engaging life is one of the most challenging things we can do. I call this the art of being human. It’s messy, creative, terrifying and beautiful. Use these three tools, master them, and they will change your experience on this earth.

Which one will you start with?

If you’re interested in going deeper on how to take your power back through emotional resilience, check out the TRM© program. Thrive in adversity and master the art of being human.


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